Carpet ID :


Size :

160 * 237

Knot Density :

Approx 0 Knots Per Square

Age :


Origin :


Pile :


Warp :


Thickness Approx :

5 mm

Descriptions :

An original Gabbeh from Qashqaie Tribe 

Gabbeh handmade:
Gabbeh is a type of carpet made of animal wool that is popular all over the world and the choice of this name for it is due to its thickness.

Gabbeh is not different from many carpets, only its size is smaller and its feathers are longer.
Gabbeh is a type of knot woven with large textures that is between one and three centimeters long.
Today, hand-woven Gabbeh is one of the most popular handicrafts of urban residents.
Gabbeh is one of the most important handicrafts and nomadic products of Qashqai and Bakhtiari tribes.
Persian and Turkish knot weaving are Gabbeh weaving methods, but of course the Persian method (horizontal weaving) is more popular among weavers.
This Gabbeh brings you positive energy because of its natural and happy colors, as well as because the weavers have woven it in nature and with a good mood.

You may also be interested in another Qashqaie carpet

Gebbeh , Qashqaie , Iran carpet , persian carpet,Original gabbeh , pure wool , real Gabbeh , Real Persian carpet, Real Iranian carpet





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Carpet ID : 1016199

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