Carpet ID :
Size :
107 * 253
Knot Density :
Approx 0 Knots Per Square
Age :
Origin :
Pile :
Warp :
Descriptions :
One of the tools that plays an important role in the life of nomads is the "saddle bag" (Khorjin) , which is used to transport furniture during the migration from one place to another.
Some of these hand wovens are so beautiful that intermediaries buy them from the weaver and flatten them and sell them as carpet.
These Bakhtiari products usually have three techniques (carpet, Kelim and embroidery)
The product with this originality is taken from the rich culture of nomads
You may also be interested in another Bakhtiari carpets and kelims (Kilims)
hand woven flated saddle bag , persian carpet , iran , bakhtiari , bakhtiari saddle bag , kelim , kilim
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