Carpet ID :


Size :

62 * 256

Knot Density :

Approx 0 Knots Per Square

Age :


Origin :

Kurdestan (Kordestan)

Pile :


Warp :


Descriptions :

Original runner kelim from Senneh (Sanandaj in Kurdistan state)  of Iran (North west of Iran)

Fine wool material

Dyed with plant materials

In its traditional form, Kelim is usually used to cover the ground, walls, or to cover animals, but nowadays it is also bought as a modern and decorative cover for urban houses.
This Kelim is true in response to which rugs is better for the hallway or which rugs is better for the staircase?

You may also be interested in another runners carpet

Persian Kelim , Handwoven Kelim , woolen Kelim , Iran Pazirik, Senneh Kelim , nomadic Kelim , nomadic rug , Senneh Kelim , Old kelim

Iran Pazirik, Persian carpet , Handwoven Carpet ,wool & cotton  carpet ,  real Antique carpet , old Bakhtiary carpet
Real persian carpet






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Tel / Fax : 009821-88698461 & 009821-88698346

Mobile : 00989120552211

Carpet ID : 1013387

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